
Buildstep uses Docker and small buildpack scripts to build applications like Heroku. It was used by Dokku to create a 100-line Heroku clone. There are many open source Buildpack scripts for various languages like Java, Ruby, Erlang, PHP, etc.


linux open-source cloud-paas ruby


A generic integration tool built on a Message Queue, to make it easy to communicate events and triggers across various parts parts of the infrastructure. Created to ease the pain of configuring many disparate events in a CI


linux windows osx open-source ci ruby


The Ruby Cloud API library. Provides a Ruby API for interacting and managing many cloud providers, such as spinning up new instances, terminating old ones, attaching storage, etc. Currently supports more than 20 providers, including EC2, Rackspace, Brightbox, etc.


linux windows osx open-source cloud-paas ruby


A complete lifecycle management tool for servers, both self-hosted and in the cloud. It allows you to create and manage instances, build and deploy images, view and audit hosts, and much more! It works with Puppet or Chef, and has multiple interaction facilities like a web frontend, CLI and a RESTful API.


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GitLab CI

GitLab CI integrates with GitLab and runs continuous integration builds whenever you check in code to any of your projects.


linux open-source ci ruby


Semaphore is a hosted continuous integration and deployment service for open source and private projects. Its cloud solution helps developers find bugs before they reach users and deliver new features faster.


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