
Public and Private Maven and Python (PyPi) repositories. Fully managed and highly available repository hosting.


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NGINX Amplify

Amplify is free monitoring tool for NGINX. Amplify offers extended NGINX metric collection, visualization, monitoring, and a static analyzer for NGINX configuration. It's simple to set up, yet powerful enough to bring the much needed insight into NGINX performance. Amplify is a SaaS developed and operated by Nginx, Inc. Keep NGINX up to date and secure with a native monitoring solution.


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r10k provides a general purpose toolset for deploying Puppet environments and modules. It implements the Puppetfile format and provides a native implementation of Puppet dynamic environments.


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Review Board

Review Board is a feature packed code review tool for multiple SCM systems (like git, bzr, cvs, subversion, etc).


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Free (as in speech and as in beer) software (AGPLv3+) for hosting Git® projects, both public and private.


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Verdaccio is an open-source local repository for NPM packages. It provides private-access packages, caching, and overriding public packages.


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